About Me


I am a college student with a passion for cooking and baking. I basically think about food all the time. I love making it, sharing it, and eating it 🙂

I live in Tennessee with my family. I have five siblings and three nephews. All of our family gatherings are centered around our food: where we’re going to eat, what we’re going to eat, and when we’re going to eat. Food is happy and it’s shared and it brings people together. More reasons why I love it so much!

Unfortunately my family has quite a few food allergies. My mom and dad can’t have gluten, and I can’t have nuts (among a few other random things), but we don’t let that stop us from creating delicious recipes.

I have been following food blogs for yeeeeears now. I have always wanted to start my own food blog but never had the guts to do it. I started this little site one year ago and had to take a hiatus after school started and then landing an internship in the summer. This year I won’t let those things stop me because I always come back here and think of all the recipes I want to share. Cheers to round 2! Let’s see how it goes!

Thanks for stopping by!



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